Jennifer Buckley, Principal 48 S. Purcell Ave. Winchester, VA 22601 P 540-667-7171 F 540-723-8897 Roster of the Fortieth Regiment , Kentucky Volunteer Mounted Infantry, Union Army. The 8ths is still in existence and IIRC the 11ths was destroyed in a fire in the 19th century. The battle, which started around 11:30 a.m. lasted for about two and a … Explore. The figures used for this unit are Scenearama miniatures from the Revolutionary War set. The Berkeley County Riflemen were organized June 10, 1775, at Morgan’s Spring, Berkeley County (now Jefferson County), by Capt. Daniel Morgan Intermediate School; Daniel Morgan Middle School; Emil & Grace Shihadeh Innovation Center; ... Daniel Morgan Middle School Home of the Riflemen! The roster shown below, consisting of 83 officers and men, is taken from this author’s recent book, Voices from a Wilderness Expedition: The Journals and Men of Benedict Arnold’s Expedition to Quebec in 1775. Charles P. Greenough of Boston, Massachusetts: GENERAL COMMANDING AND STAFF. Report at a scam and speak to a recovery consultant for free. 1st Pennsylvania Regiment. Red's Co., Infantry (Red Rebels) AND Capt. morgan's riflemen muster roll. The 1st Pennsylvania Regiment, also known as the Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment and 1st Continental Regiment, was raised under the command of Colonel William Thompson for service in the Continental Army. They gave an exhibition as described in the Virginia Gazette of September 9, 1775 quoted; "A man held between his knees a board 5 inches wide and seven inches long, with a paper bulls-eye the size … Throughout the summer of 1777, Morgan’s Riflemen continued to hone their tactics. A GUIDE TO THE Dept. Colonel Banastre Tarleton Other Notables: Patriot Militia General Andrew Pickens Summary New Southern Commander Maj. General Nathanael Greene determined that he needed time to rehabilitate his army. Pioneer, soldier, congressman, and American hero, Daniel Morgan. Pvt George Dameron, Buckingham Co.,VA Enlisted March, 1777 and served 1st as Fifer (Piper) in 6th VA Regt., Lt Col James Hendricks. They wore Indian disguises, provided intelligence, and harassed British General Burgoyne’s forces along the Hudson River with hit-and-run tactics. of Confederate Military Records, 1859-1996 (bulk 1861-1864, 1905-1918) Series II: Unit Records Subseries 3: Infantry We set up a full camp with multiple kitchen fires going. Appendix III: List of Soldiers by Name Updated February 22, 2005 War of 1812 Discharge Certificates Appendix I: List of Units and Subunits Appendix II: List of Company/Detachment Commanders Appendix III: List of Soldiers by Name Appendix IV: List of Soldiers by Unit Appendix III: List of Soldiers by Name [table striped="true" … Morgan's Corp are skirmishers and snipers without peer, picking off leaders to sow confusion in enemy ranks. Morgan’s Riflemen engage in living history events and scouts in the Southern California area. – Our figure has a very dynamic pose that allows a lot of storytelling. Solomon Adams (February 1839 - August 1839 - Houston County Rangers) Capt. Name. Their activities consisted in patrol duty and guarding the extreme outposts of the army. The 11th Regiment was also known as Morgan's Rifles. Staff officers included an adjutant, a chaplain, a surgeon, a surgeon’s mate, a quartermaster, a paymaster, a drum major, a fife major, quartermaster sergeant, and sergeant major. 9th Kentucky Infantry Regiment. Morgan C. Hamilton (December 9, 1844 to February 19, 1846 when Texas entered the Union) George Washington Hill Morgan C. Hamilton William Gordon Cooke Alphabetical by commanding officer: Capt. Invasion of Canada . His force of southern frontiersmen gained a reputation for fighting hard and shooting straight. Thomas Boyd, Lieutenant. Daniel Morgan Intermediate School; Daniel Morgan Middle School; Emil & Grace Shihadeh Innovation Center; ... Daniel Morgan Middle School Home of the Riflemen! he started out as the captain of an independent rifle company in 1775, was captured at quebec, exchanged and placed in charge of the 11th regt. Morgan was involved in many phases of the Revolutionary War between 1775 and 1781. ... Perhaps Morgan’s most memorable moment came on January 17, 1781. Trans-ferred to 4th. NA03 MANN , Oliver MA Surgeon's Mate, Col. Job Cushing's regt., Gen. Warner's brigade; from 28 Jul to 30 Nov 1777; promoted to Surgeon 1 Nov 1777. Assistant … Some positions, especially staff officer posts, were occasionally vacant. His company of marksmen was nicknamed “Morgan’s Riflemen.” Morgan’s company had a significant advantage over the others. [2]Thomas J. McGuire, The Philadelphia Campaign: Brandywine and the Fall of Philadelphia (Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2006), 156-157; Michael C. Harris, … Guerrilla Warfare Part 1: Morgan’s Riflemen. Re: Roster of Morgan's Riflemen by Mahamotorworks (SouthWest Region - AZ, CO, LA, NM, TX) September 27, 2021, 09:41:57 PM Oct 23-24 Leyden Planning by Jake1918 (Massachusetts (lupis42 and aim)) September 27, 2021, 09:22:45 PM Re: South Huntsville AL Sep 18, 2021 Pistol Clinic - Event ID: 7537 by Old Navy Doc (After Action Reports) morgan's riflemen muster roll. James Parr, Major. Morgan recruited 96 men in just 10 days and assembled them at Winchester on July 14. He attempted a second breakthrough on October 7th, but was repulsed and forced to retreat eight miles back to old Saratoga. C3V - Wave 8 (Wave 21) Curse of Stormtorn Peak - Boars and Bluecoats. “Roster of Revolutionary Soldiers and Patriots in Alabama” by Louise Milam Julich ... Alabama Unknown Morgan's Riflemen Bacon Richard Madison 20 November 1760 Virginia 5 December 1832Madison Co., Alabama Madison Co., Alabama Private and Commissary, Virginia Continental Line ... Black James Morgan 1754 Scotland Aft. Daniel Morgan: 1736-1762. The British captured Morgan and his riflemen along with Benedict Arnold at Quebec in December 1775. When the patriots lay siege to Boston at the start of the Revolutionary War, Morgan marched his company of crack riflemen from Virginia to New England in just 21 days. The riflemen went out of their way to cover ground quickly as well as to put on demonstrations of their marksmanship ability on their march to Massachusetts. Daniel Morgan, James Hendricks; Capts Billy Haley, Samuel Avery and Jordan Cabell. Capt. It is my hope that as a result, every small alliance in the game heads out to the frontier and attempts to stake a claim in the new wild west of EVE. Benjamin Chambers, Ensign. To form a second prong to the invasion, Washington detached a force of 1,100 under Col. Benedict Arnold, including a contingent of riflemen under Capt. Col. Robert Magaw, the defender of Fort Washington, major in Colonel William Thompson's "Battalion of Pennsylvania Riflemen" . In the Spring of 1775 a company of 96 volunteer riflemen were raised in and about Winchester, Virginia and quickly marched over 600 miles to join George Washington who was then besieging the British army in Boston, Massachusetts. The British entrenched there, but surrounded by American forces and low on supplies, were forced to surrender on October 17th. Continental Line, Cols. Morgan's riflemen were continuously in the van, except for 16-17 October, when they allowed Greene's three companies to take the lead, perhaps in order to pilfer flour from the New Englanders; Arnold ordered Morgan to stay at the head of the column thereafter. Capt. The following roster of officers has been furnished by Hon. – It has plenty of options for painting and allows depicting different units of Continental Light infantry. Thomas Boyd and Ensign Benjamin Chambers. Major-General John Sullivan, Commander-in-Chief William Pierce, Captain Jonathan Dayton, ... Major James Parr, Morgan's Riflemen. If you would like to prepare a list of any of these units to be placed on the Internet contact the webmaster. ... MORGAN'S RIFLEMEN. Filed under "Morgan (Daniel) Riflemen)". Clark's forces in Illinois as noted had at least one drummer. Daniel Morgan got his start in the Revolutionary War in 1775 as the captain of a small rifle unit set up by the state of Virginia, one of 10 such units commissioned by Congress. Captain Jonathan Dayton, Aide-de-Camp. I need … At some of these battles, including Saratoga and Cowpens in 1777, then Colonel, Morgan led a group of riflemen who were skilled at long range shooting and scouting. Re-signed. Woodford became ill and for a time, Morgan took over command of both the 7 th and 11 th, handling the job as brigadier. By the time he died in 1818, he owned … John Franklin, Wyoming Militia. Heath Ledger Jason Isaacs Roland Emmerich Mel Gibson Chris Cooper Mel Gibson 50% (1/1) Mel Gibson DUI incidentGibsonMel Gibson's DUI incident On June 14, 1775, Congress voted to raise ten companies of “expert riflemen.”. Morgan’s Riflemen Boston, 1775. Hugh Stephenson of Shepherdstown, in response to a call for Revolutionary War soldiers by Gen. George Washington. Organized as light infantry but armed with rifles rather than smoothbore muskets, riflemen have every right to see … Micah Andrews (March 1839 - June 1839 - Rangers) Starting in 2002, a small group of living history rangers began camping and participating in events and decided to model the riflemen that served under Daniel Morgan. Some of the riflemen are Sons of the American Revolution, though this is not required. All of the Riflemen love family and country. Title Brigadier General. He decided to split his force and assigned … Note – The “Documentary History of Dunmore’s War” is the chief and by far the most reliable source from which to obtain rosters of the companies engaged in the battle of Point Pleasant, and we print there-from all of those which participated in that struggle. Ethan Stokes. James Parr, Major. Michael Simpson, Lieut. Date Rank Military Action Position Status Apr 1775 - Mar 1776 Ensign Boston / Cambridge Campaign Apr 1775 - Mar 1776 Second Lieutenant Although the movie “The Patriot” is not entirely historically correct, the main character is based on several real people in history; One of these men being Daniel Morgan. Cabell's co., Col. Daniel Morgan's Riflemen; from Jul 1777 to Jan 1778. General Fraser's advancing force was met with rifle-fire and after the smoke cleared each officer to lie dead in the first exchange. Murphy as part of Morgan’s Riflemen at Saratoga, the turning point of the American Revolution Did you know that an Irish America soldier was responsible for turning the tide of the most important battle of the American Revolution? Dr. Tredell Dorsey. Morgan’s Shingle — harder than it looks! The 8th and 11th Virginia regiments, both of which had riflemen in them had flags. One of the most desirable reports for a given unit is a descriptive roster. Morgan’s Riflemen or Morgan’s Rifles, were an elite light infantry unit Commanded by General Daniel morgan in the American Revolutionary War. Morgan's Provisional Rifle Corp are a regiment of skirmishers in Empire: Total War. 7th Kentucky Cavalry (Union) , Rosters. On June 22, 1775, Morgan was selected by unanimous vote to head one of Virginia’s rifle companies chosen from Frederick County. In only ten days, Morgan’s local fame and association with his ‘rough and rowdy’ backwoodsmen drew a gathering of frontiersmen to his call to arms. Continental Troops, Morgan's Rifle Regiment, 1777-79 Updated March 18, 2016 Overview: Archelaus Gilliam, son of William Gilliam and Mary Jarratt, his wife was born, according to his pension application, on the Tye River about 1756. "Captain John Doyle's Independent Company joined this regiment the 25 Nov [1777] and has continued to do duty in the Regt. Those of Rhode Island were a loose fitting smock, dark blue in color, belted at the waist. Morgan's riflemen were expert marksmen who employed long rifles, which were more accurate than the standard Brown Bess muskets used by the British. Companies recruited men from Loudoun, Frederick, Prince William, and Amelia counties. In June the Continental Congress had resolved to enlist ten companies of riflemen—men known, as Richard Henry Lee put it, for their “amazing hardihood.” As may be supposed, no ordinary mortal was capable of commanding the respect and loyalty of these independent, unpredictable characters, and it fell to the likes of Daniel Morgan to do so. DISCLAIMER: Information found on the Valley Forge Muster Roll has been compiled from original muster Rolls, payroll records, pensions, letters, orders, and other primary documents of the Revolutionary War.However, many valuable records have been lost over time, and therefore our Muster Roll will never be considered complete. If you have information that may add to what is … Confederate. He was born to Welsh parents in Hunterdon County, New Jersey on July 6, 1736. Morgan’s Corps are skirmishers and snipers without peer, picking off leaders to sow confusion in enemy ranks. TITLES. PDF DOWNLOAD. Don’t let scams get away with fraud. Character Bio: Jandar has summoned the elite fighting force known as Morgan's Riflemen from the battlefields of the American Revolution. Michael Simpson, Lieut. Daniel Morgan’s in Frederick County, which mustered into service at Winchester on 22 June,5and Capt. Brigadier General Daniel Morgan commanded all American troops at the Battle of Cowpens. Morgan's Sharpshooters, also called Morgan’s Riflemen and Morgan’s Rifles, were elite light infantry units commanded by Daniel Morgan during the American Revolutionary War. Honor your heritage by purchasing an official Muster Roll Certificate that commemorates your distinguished ancestry.. You will receive a formal certificate (10″ × 8″ ) verified by the Valley Forge Park Alliance. Redcoats, British army soldiers with tricorn hats, fur hats and muzzle-loading rifles. Thomas Boyd and Ensign Benjamin Chambers. Morgan's had 69 men, and quickly got the nickname Morgan's Sharpshooters. The 8th Pennsylvania was assigned to … On 15 Dec 1781, he married Judith Tuley/Tooley, the daughter of James Tuley and Judith Witt. Roster of Revolutionary War soldiers buried in Mount Hebron Cemetery, embossed on a bronze plaque, erected 1937 by the Fort Loudoun chapter of the DAR. As a young man, he settled in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley outside Winchester. George Dameron was a Revolutionary War Patriot, DAR# A029441. Strength and Conditioning Coach. Organised as light infantry but armed with rifles rather than smoothbore muskets, riflemen have every right to see themselves as elite. Murphy, widely known for his exploits in the Revolutionary War, was a popular figure in the valley. As the legend goes, Daniel Morgan, a frontiersman from rural Virginia, held contests like other rifle captains to determine which volunteers where the best shots. ... Roster of Officers of Clinton's Army Sixth Massachusetts Regiment. William Croghan, May I6, 1778-September 14, 1778. One of these letters from Cabell to Robert Hanson Harrison, dated 17 Aug. at “Rammapau,” N.J., reads: “I am exceedingly sorry that circumstances and the rep eat ed applications of the officers of the Regiment—where the Vacancy happen’d for me—Obliges me to request the favour of you—to lay the Certificate that I obtained respecting my Claim to the rank … [1]William Heth to Daniel Morgan, October 2, 1777 in “Diary of Lieutenant William Heth while a Prisoner in Quebec, 1776,” Annual Papers of the Winchester Virginia Historical Society,1 (1931): 33. Morgan's had 69 men, and quickly got the nickname Morgan's Sharpshooters. Hugh Stephenson’s in Berkeley County (now part of West Virginia). of Confederate Military Records, 1859-1996 (bulk 1861-1864, 1905-1918) Series II: Unit Records Subseries 3: Infantry Clothing: Appropriate clothing of a colonial rifleman is to be worn at all events. Date of Birth - Death July 6, 1736 - July 6, 1802. Morgan Alexander, March 22, 1777-December I, 1777. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. Daniel Morgan of Virginia, to proceed up the Kennebec River, across the wilds of Maine, and down the Chaudiere to join with Montgomery before Quebec. The Tories suffered 20 killed and 36 captured, while … ... Roster of Officers of Clinton's Army Sixth Massachusetts Regiment. Tommy King. Revolutionary Rangers: Daniel Morgan's Riflemen and Their Role on the Northern Frontier, 1778-1783 240. by Richard B. LaCrosse Jr. On the morning of January 17, 1781, Morgan and his men engaged Tarleton in the Battle of Cowpens. Chosen for initiative and intelligence, they do not need close supervision by their officers. THE SARATOGA RIFLEMAN by Donald Norman Moran. When the British arrived in the vicinity of Guilford Court House, Major General Greene felt the time was right to fight. 3rd Kentucky Volunteer Cavalry Regiment Muster Roster. Letter, 26 March 1862. ... MORGAN'S RIFLEMEN. This button indicates a link to an authentic roster. He then marched them 600 miles to Boston, Massachusetts in 21 days, arriving on Aug. 6, 1775. Benjamin Chambers, Ensign. If you know of a link to any of these units where an "authentic roster" may be found, please contact the webmaster. in 1777, was detached to command the rifle corps, returned to the regiment (now called the 7th va), in 1778, left the army in 1779, and returned in late 1780 to command general n. greene's light corps at … These were among the first soldiers from the South to volunteer following the outbreak of hostilities in Massachusetts. A detachment of Morgan's riflemen and the C-in-C Guards, under joint command of Captain Gabriel Long of the "Rifles" and Captain Gibbs of the Guards encountered a unit of British Grenadiers near Squaw Creek. Ref. The several detachments of Morgan's riflemen were under command of Maj. James Parr, Capt. You may want to start by searching for a person's Military Service Records and Pension and Bounty Land records. Anthony Selin, Schott's Rifle Corps. Morgan’s riflemen, the 11 th, was part of General William Woodford’s Brigade which also included the Virginia 7 th under Colonel McClanachan. to this date." Join Up. Michael Simpson, Captain. Welcome, one and all, to the Roster of Morgan's Riflemen! D. J. Roster Of Officers Of Sullivan's Division, 1779. After the War he served two terms in Congress. He had roughly 4,300 troops, of which 1,600 were Continental Regulars, facing nearly 2,200 British Regulars. Capt. General Daniel Mogran. General Daniel Morgan Defeated: British Lt. ... Roster of officers of the gth Virginia Continental line, January 4, 1777, with some memorandums by Thomas R., son of Major- His name was Timothy Murphy and he had served with distinction on the frontier, was part of General William Thompson’s … 2nd as Pvt. For State Troops & Militia: Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment of 1776 had drummers on its roster. These 100 volunteers, dressed in linsey-woolsey hunting shirts, leather leggings, and moccasins, were … Morgan’s riflemen are an important unit in the American Revolutionary War because they engaged in guerrilla warfare and can represent units of the similar type that made their American tribute by fighting the British in this style of warfare. Their story can be told by following the military career of Daniel Morgan. Twenty-five-year-old Adamson Tannehill3enlisted on 23 June and served as a sergeant in Thomas Price’s Independent Rifle Company.4Virginia also raised two companies: Capt. Daniel Morgan, an American hero during the American Revolution, grew up with a rebellious streak. Revolutionary War reenactors representing Daniel Morgan's Riflemen, shooting black powder rifles on a target range. On the night of October 21, 600 Continentals, with 160 men from the 1st and 3rd Virginia Regiments attacked a Tory force of about 500 men including Robert Roger's "Queen's American Rangers." Title. Daniel Morgan marched his men 600 miles in 21 days while Michael Cresap's company covered 550 miles in 22 days. Field officers at Valley Forge were Colonel Daniel Morgan, Lt. William Pierce, Aide-de-Camp. The several detachments of Morgan's riflemen were under command of Maj. James Parr, Capt. Jennifer Buckley, Principal 48 S. Purcell Ave. Winchester, VA 22601 P 540-667-7171 F 540-723-8897 Purchase a Muster Roll Certificate – $30. After an argument with his father, he left home at the age of seventeen. Simon Spalding, Independent Wyoming Company. ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to ascertain whether the military material culture used in the American Revolution by soldiers of Virginia reflects societal attitudes toward war. William Pierce, Aide-de-Camp. The Maryland and Virginia Rifle Regiment, most commonly known as Rawlings' Regiment in period documents, was organized in June 1776 as a specialized light infantry unit of riflemen in the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War.The American rifle units complemented the predominant, musket-equipped, line infantry forces of the war with their long-range … They paroled them eight months later on the promise that the parolees would not fight against the British until they were exchanged for British prisoners. Thomas Boyd, Lieutenant. Their activities consisted in patrol duty and guarding the extreme outposts of the army. Research our Records The National Archives holds records relating to military service during the Revolutionary War, including both Continental troops and state troops that served as Continental troops. By September 1777, the campaign was in full effect. The Palmetto Riflemen & New York Zouaves are dedicated to the study, preservation and promotion of the history, traditions and legacy of the persons who lived through the American Civil War, 1860 to 1866. The riflemen with Morgan returned from the north and rejoined the regiment late in fall 1777. Michael Simpson, Captain. Colonels 1776-1778 - Colonel Daniel Morgan in command 12 Nov 1776 to 14 Sep 1778 Colonel John Cropper, Major Thomas Snead, and Major Thomas Massie. Date: January 17, 1781 Location: Cowpens, South Carolina Victor: Continental Brig. This regiment, Col. John S. Crocker, was organized at Albany February 1, 1862, by adding to the companies recruited by him those recruited by Maj. B. C. Butler for a battalion of sharpshooters, A, B, C and D, and one company, E, originally recruited for the 76th Infantry. zac goldsmith carrie symonds. MA01 MANN, Ebenezer VA Private, Capt. See an An Overview of Records at the National … A GUIDE TO THE Dept. Members and recruits must meet these requirements to wear a turkey feather in their hat and continue their participation. They are an exclusive Elite Units of America DLC unit for the United States. The following roster of officers has been furnished by Hon. Morgan recruited 96 men (80 men and 16 officers), marched 600 miles, arriving in Boston on August 6, 1775. On June 10, 1775, Captain Hugh Stephenson organized the Berkeley County Riflemen in response to George Washington’s call for soldiers at the start of the Revolutionary War. He commanded the Frederick Militia nicknamed "Morgan’s Riflemen", which included the esteemed contingent of German soldiers from Winchester known as the "Dutch Mess". Director of Football Operations/Video Coordinator. Ref. This unit, often called Morgan's Riflemen or Morgan's Sharpshooters, was formed in early 1777 as part of the 11th Virginia Regiment and armed with modern rifles, which were much more accurate than muskets used by the British … The official 2020 Women's Cross Country Roster for the Morgan State University Bears It might be that the AOC would decide to reserve it for those who have qualified for the Morgans' Riflemen Roster by shooting the shingle at 250 (maybe with a bar for iron sights!) Jan 30, 2021 - Morgan's Rifle Corps, 1777. The Book of Morgan's Riflemen. Charles P. Greenough of Boston, Massachusetts: GENERAL COMMANDING AND STAFF. Later in 1775, Congress approved an invasion of Canada and tasked Brigadier General Richard Montgomery with leading the main force north from Lake Champlain. fatsia japonica leaf problems; godzilla diorama buildings; lidl fish fingers calories Transcription of "Return of the Officers of the 1st Pennsylvania Regiment of Foot with their Name, Rank, and Date of Commission from the 1 Jan 1777 until the 31 Aug 1778." General Morgan served on Benedict Arnold's expedition to Quebec in 1776, commanded the riflemen at Saratoga in 1777 and defeated British General Tarleton at Cowpens in 1781. (Morgan's Riflemen). Captain Jonathan Dayton, Aide-de-Camp. Morgan's most significant action in this period was support for the invasion of Canada, and the Battle of Quebec [2] in which he was seen as a hero, despite General Benedict Arnold's overall failure and their subsequent capture. At full distance events in Texas and New Mexico we have inaugurated the Marking of the Morgan's Shingle. In just a few short weeks FozzieSov will hit EVE Online. In July 1777, Richard Scaggs received payment as a Private in Colonel Daniel Morgan's Rifle Regiment of Continental Troops. Lowdon's roster lists Murphy as a private, and he earned a salary of "6 and two-thirds dollars" per month and had to provide his own arms and clothing. The Confederate Roster is a state by state compilation of soldiers who served the Confederacy. Note – The “Documentary History of Dunmore’s War” is the chief and by far the most reliable source from which to obtain rosters of the companies engaged in the battle of Point Pleasant, and we print there-from all of those which participated in that struggle. New Recruit Flyer. Others soon followed. The Morgan's Rifles was an elite light infantry unit raised by General Daniel Morgan during the American Revolutionary War. janie beggs fort worth, texas. ASSAULT ON THE BREYMANN REDOUBT, 7th October 1777. Members are required to attend 3 Unit Events during the year and pay annual dues of $25 to continue membership. Morgan's Riflemen were a key model for the fictional unit portrayed in the hit movie The Patriot, by Mel Gibson. Sent to join the northern army headed by General Horatio Gates, Morgan's Riflemen helped establish better conditions for the coming Battle of Saratoga, by a series of quick attacks on their Indian allies, driving them back in order to interfere with British intelligence of the American troops' movements. 2009 Photos. List Of Members Of Daniel Morgan's Rifle Company Compiled by Lewis N. Barton The following list is a composite of four lists. When the regiment went into winter quarters at Valley Forge, Bayard was lieutenant colonel and Frederick Vernon was major. A theoretically full regiment added up to 743 men. Date estimated as c. 1985. 1. The 11th Regiment was formed in February 1777. 2 However, none of these previous listings has presented a complete roster of the men in Morgan’s Company. … War & Affiliation Revolutionary War / Patriot. He was famous for leading a 600-mile Beeline March in 21-days from Winchester to Boston in 1775.