County Departments A-E; Development Services; Building Standards Division; Online Permit Applications; Online Permit Applications The following Applications may be submitted for New > Note: If you are new to the system, create a new Login. Iredell (/ ar d l / IRE-del) is a city located in Bosque County in central Texas, United States. If you would like to contact one of these offices please take a look at our District/ Region Map to see which office covers your area. Burn Permit Support Line at 919-578-2207 , Monday Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information regarding specific plots of Watch Now: Related Video Items marked with * are required. the zoning jurisdiction of Iredell County. These Iredell County permits may be required for building projects such as renovations, demolitions, and The Iredell County Board of Commissioners authorized the development of a county-based EMS agency in 1975. 204 Constitution Lane I AUTHORIZE THE IREDELL COUNTY CLERK OF Access permits, licenses, inspections & other legal documents. Phone: 704-878-3131. These correctional facilities have private cells for extremely violent criminals or controversial suspects. An Iredell County, North Carolina Building Permit can only be obtained through an authorized government agency. The N.C. Department of Transportation maintains county and bridge maps that identify primary and secondary roads and bridges that make up the State Transportation System. 704-336-8000. The N.C. Forest Service has issued a ban on all open burning and has canceled all burning permits for 32 counties in western North Carolina, including Iredell. Business Licenses, LLC simplifies and streamlines the process of applying for a business license. QuickFacts provides statistics for all states and counties, and for cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more. You can fill out an online application for a burn permit here by selecting your county and clicking Go!. As part of providing municipal services, City Managers may issue and file permits. The population was 339 at the 2010 census. BASS,IAN.JPG. We are processing your application and will update you, via email, as our progress proceeds. An Iredell County, North Carolina Fire Alarm Permit can only be obtained through an authorized government agency. Steven Earl Abernathy, 36, of Denver, eight counts of trafficking in methamphetamine and one count of conspiracy to traffic narcotics, $300,000 bond, Iredell County Sheriffs Office. Iredell County Sheriff's Office Statesville Office: 704-878-3180 Mooresville Office: 704-664-7500 Email: 135 East Water St., Statesville, NC 28677. have attained at least one month's residency in Iredell County; have a driver's license that has been issued for 30 days prior to applying; at the time of pickup, provide a valid driver's license or other picture ID with current address provided by the State of North Carolina. The Building Standards Division issues permits for all contractor's trades, performs field inspection using the North Carolina building codes, does plan reviews of all There are 4 Clerk Offices in Iredell County, North Carolina, serving a population of 169,798 people in an area of 575 square miles.There is 1 Clerk Office per 42,449 people, and 1 Clerk Office per 143 square miles.. At Business Licenses, LLC, we provide you with all the information you need to get a North Carolina, Iredell County business license. The NCFS has 3 Regional Offices and 13 District Offices located throughout the State. Iredell County Government Center P.O. Crucible Construction We started with in 2019 and have been very pleased with the professionalism of their team. Households, 2016-2020: 68,374: Persons per household, 2016-2020: List of Iredell County DMV Locations. North Carolina Public health restaurant and food-stand inspections in Iredell County, May 15-21. Access permits, licenses, inspections & other legal documents. The N.C. Department of Public Safetys Reentry Programs & Services has collected reentry resource information to provide formerly incarcerated people, probation/parole officers, prison case managers, social workers and others with a database of community resources in each of North Carolina's 100 counties. Iredell County Sheriff's Office Statesville Office: 704-878-3180 Mooresville Office: 704-664-7500 Email: Put the day/time and place your e-signature. Box 788 Statesville, NC 28687 IREDELL COUNTY BUILDING STANDARDS FEE SCHEDULE Permit fees In accordance with NC General Statute 18B-904(f) before issuing a retail permit, the NC ABC Commission shall determine that the applicant is a suitable person and that the location is a suitable place. Iredell County does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, creed, national origin, sex, age, political affiliation, genetic information, or handicapping condition in employment or the provision of services. Concealed Carry Permits. Skip to main (80-89), C (70-79). Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau; American Community Survey, 2018 ACS 5-Year Estimates. 25 Government Drive Newton, NC 28658; phone: (828) 465-8200; For Concealed Handgun permits and renewals: : Apply online at the links below. Box 788 Statesville, NC 28687 Phone: 704-878-3000 Main Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Site Links. You may The agency opened and began to serve the county's citizens in August of that same year. For technical support regarding the online burning permit system, please refer to these Frequently Asked Questions or call the N.C. end of header. Permits required mean inspections are also necessary. Permit expediter in . Online Permit Applications | Iredell County, NC Community How Do I Home Government County Departments A-E Development Services Building Standards Division Online Permit Applications In Iredell County it is the Sheriff's Office. Requirements Non-residential projects differ from residential projects in that site plans and architectural plans are required. Election held under G.S. The issuance of any new permits has also been suspended until the ban is lifted. Iredell County Jail & Detention Center. John Morgan. This account type will allow you to request inspections and pay fees online and more. When I took office as Sheriff of Alexander County in October 2009, I made a pledge to the citizens I serve that I would strive to bring my office up-to-date with current technology. County Departments F-M; Fire Marshal's Office; Permits & Plan Review Fees; Permits & Plan Review Fees Many different types of permits are required to be issued by the North Carolina Please ensure that "" is in the approved senders list for your email account. Ian Timothy Bass, 20, of Kannapolis, three counts of failure to appear and one count each of robbery with a firearm/other dangerous weapon, assault with a deadly weapon inflicting serious injury and larceny of a firearm, $32,000 bond, Mooresville Police Department and Iredell County Sheriffs Office. Fire Special Use Permit; Plan Review/Approval; Sidewalk Encroachment Permits; Sign Permit; Zoning Permit; Engineering; Land Development; Planning/Zoning; Stormwater; Zoning Permits; Business Road Map; Downtown Development; Economic Development; Starting a Business; Forms and Documents Take a look at the monthly news reports, the uniform crime reports as well as upcoming events. Proceed to the Iredell County Central Permitting Division for your building permits. Crash reports investigated by all of North Carolina's law enforcement agencies are forwarded to the North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles. Survey of Business Owners, Building Permits. Permits required mean inspections are also necessary. 3. The Iredell County office is in the new Iredell County Agricultural Resource Center one block south and west of the intersection of I-40 and HWY 90, on Bristol Drive. Employment Career opportunities & employee access. Iredell County Permit expediter in . Please Box 788 Statesville, NC 28687 Phone: 704-878-3000 Main Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Iredell County saw a rise in the total number of building permits issued from January to February. Yes, however you A Iredell County Business License Search allows the public to look up public business licenses in Iredell County, North Carolina. There are 3 Building Departments in Iredell County, North Carolina, serving a population of 169,798 people in an area of 575 square miles. There is 1 Building Department per 56,599 people, and 1 Building Department per 191 square miles. Iredell County holds 1 jails with a total of 111,125 inmates. Iredell County makes every effort to produce and publish the most current and accurate information possible. Mooresville Vehicle & License Plate Renewal Office 125 North Main Street Mooresville NC 28115 704-663-5472. April 19, 2022: Statesville Civic Center, 300 S. Center Street, Statesville 28677 (Iredell County) For those who cannot attend the meetings, public input can be submitted until May 2, 2022 via email to, or by leaving a voicemail at 919-707-9129. This form for Unlicensed Public User Account registration. BOC Videos Board of Commissioners Meeting Videos. Crucible Contact Us. Items marked with * are required. One statute governs county inspection departments (G.S.153A-357) and the other governs city inspection departments (G.S. The governing body of a city/county designates an official to make recommendations concerning the suitability of a person or of a location for an ABC retail permit. Matthew was elected as treasurer in the 2019 election, and took office in January 2020. In Dec 2020, Iredell County filed 1 permits worth $500,000.00. Customize the template with smart fillable fields. Permits to buy handguns in North Carolina must be obtained from the sheriff in the county that you reside. Phone (704)878-3010 Fax (704)878-3003. However, it is likely engineered designs and permits will again be required for all piers and docks. If you have applied for permits with the county before please The application was filed on 4/5/21. The following deeds were filed in the Iredell County Register of Deeds office from May 15-21. Robby Wilkinson Director of Building I understand that a pre Phone: 704-878-3113 Fax 704-878-3171 . Find Iredell County Households, Marital Status, and Veteran Status. Contact Information Open Anyone violating the burn ban faces a $100 fine plus $180 court costs. In North Carolina, Iredell County is ranked 64th of 100 counties in Clerk Offices per capita, and 14th of 100 counties in Clerk Offices per square mile. Search Iredell County, NC Inmate Records. Two statutes address when permits are required, but the language of each is nearly identical. Iredell ountys initial floodplain regulations went into effect May 15, 1980. Iredell County shall not be held liable for any errors in the data represented on this record. Permits & Licenses; Licensing Information; Licensing Information Applying for a New Marriage License; Obtaining an Existing Marriage License; Marriage License Application Form; Application for Copy of Marriage License Certificate The ordinance was updated September 18, 2018 and incorporates many April 19, 2022: Statesville Civic Center, 300 S. Center Street, Statesville 28677 (Iredell County) For those who cannot attend the meetings, public input can be submitted until This form for Unlicensed Public User Account registration. In Iredell County it is the Sheriff's Office. The Cost is $5.00. Gun purchase permit applications must be completed online and will be processed on normal business days. Statesville Office hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM. ** Iredell County The county seat of Statesville, established in 1789, is approximately 45 miles north of Charlotte, and approximately 130 miles west of Raleigh, the state capital. Complete the empty fields; engaged parties names, addresses and numbers etc. The Defect Rate Report is page 2 of the CO. Welcome to the 'Iredell County Sheriff's Office' Gun Purchase Permit Order Tracker! Levels. The name Iredell, originally Eyredale, dates back to year 1066 to the Battle of Hastings, and it means "a valley of flowing air." BOC Videos Iredell County, NC jails hold prisoners after an arrest or people who have been transferred to the county from a detention center. Access permits, licenses, inspections & other legal documents. They are very knowledgeable with handling permit applications across multiple cities, counties and states. Box 788 Statesville, NC 28687 Phone: 704-878-3000 Main Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Box 788 Statesville, NC 28687 Phone: 704-878-3000 Main Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Our office provides law enforcement services to the citizens of Alexander County. 106-950, outlining an exemption to permitting fees in the case of safely contained fires. Statesville Sheriff's Office, 230 N. Tradd St, Statesville Mooresville Sheriff's Office, 610 E. Center Avenue, Mooresville. AP-300000 series permits issued on or after 8/25/19 will be accessed in the new Community Development web portal for inspections and online payments. Emergency Medical Services. Information contained herein was created for Iredell County's internal use. A NEW concealed handgun permit is $90.00, while a RENEWAL concealed handgun permit is $75.00 6. Search Iredell County property appraisal cards by owner name, address or parcel number. Permit value information is based on Iredell County restaurant inspections: May 22-28; 70 photos capturing Queen Elizabeth IIs jubilee marking 70 years on the throne; Michael B. Jordan and Lori Harvey split, Tom Hiddleston forgets his lines working with Kermit, and more celeb news; Experience of a lifetime: South Iredell student selected for U.S. Navy Summer Flight Academy Any person responsible for setting a fire may be liable for reimbursing the N.C. Forest Service for any expenses related to extinguishing the fire. Please note that the current processing time for permits is up to 14 days from the date that you successfully submit your online application. Iredell County Government Center P.O. Permits. A. Frequently requested statistics for: Iredell County, North Carolina. All students must adhere to the Student Code of Conduct for Iredell-Statesville School students or face possible dismissal from the Driver Education program. REMIT PAYMENTS TO: Iredell County Tax Collector, PO Box 1027, Statesville, NC 28687-1027 .. . Permits are processed accurately and timely the first time." Get a permit in Mooresville, 28115 started today with our permit expediter service. Western Deer Zone Archery: Sept. 11 Oct. 3, 2021 Oct. 17 Nov. 21, 2021 Dec. 12, 2021 Monthly Building Permit Application Data Service. Permits Zoning Permit Process If you are in the white area shown on the map: Get your zoning permits from Iredell County Planning and Development Obtain septic system approval from News and Reports. An official website of the United States government Skip to main content. 160A-417), but the standards are the same for both. Here is the staff directory, where you can find phone numbers and contact information for regional and permitting offices and staff members. Tax Assessor and Delinquent Taxes. However, it is likely engineered designs and permits will again be required for all piers and docks. Steven Earl Abernathy, 36, of Denver, eight counts of trafficking in methamphetamine and one count of conspiracy to traffic narcotics, $300,000 bond, Iredell We make every effort to keep the information on this site accurate and up to date however users are hereby notified that the information provided herein should be verified. Box 788 Statesville, NC 28687 Phone: 704-878-3000 Main Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Site Links. Apply for a concealed carry permit as well as a pistol permit. Get a permit in Mooresville, 28115 started today with our permit expediter service. Concealed Weapon Permits can be obtained from the county sheriff of your county of residence. Iredell County Permit Office 349 N CENTER ST, PO Box 788 , STATESVILLE, NC 28687 Directions Resources Main Office +1 (704) 878-3000 Cutoff Time 16:00am Pricing Starting at $100 Contact Us 400 East Tryon Road Raleigh NC 27610 Phone: (919) 779-0700 Fax: (919) 662-3583 Treasurer. Skip to main (80-89), C (70-79). This account type will allow you to request inspections and pay fees online and more. Chief Deputy Bert Connolly. In order to receive a contractor login, you must have an AEC account with the Building Standards Department at Iredell County. Staff Directory; Catawba County Property Records are real estate documents that contain information related to real property in Catawba County, North Carolina. Robby Wilkinson Director of Building Standards 704 -928 2016 ext. (30 days) in Iredell County; have a driver's license that has been issued for 30 days prior to applying; not suffer from any mental or physical infirmity which would prevent safe handgun handling and operation; 2. What's New & FAQs Building permits, 2020: 1,905: Families & Living Arrangements. Non-Residential Zoning Permit Application Statesville DMV Vehicle & License Plate Renewal Office 121 West Water Street Statesville NC 28677 704-873-3185. AP-300000 series permits issued on or after 8/25/19 will be accessed in the new Community Development web portal for inspections and online payments. Business Licenses Required at All Levels of Government for Businesses in Mooresville, North Carolina. Complaint Record Form Employment Career opportunities & employee access. Permits & Licenses; Licensing Information; Licensing Information Applying for a New Marriage License; Obtaining an Existing Marriage License; Marriage License Application Form; Iredell County