Antonyms for undergarment. 1. clothing that you wear next to your skin under your other clothes. Deals Shop All Deals Up to 40% off Luggage and Travel Accessories Up to 20% off Gaming Flash Picks Rollbacks Clearance Tech Patio & Garden Home Sports & Outdoors Furniture Pets Toys Apparel Auto Phones & Smart Watches Stock Up Essentials Video Games & Media Kitchen & Dining Baby Home Improvement Floor Care Wellness & Personal Care Beauty & Grooming Outdoor Play Office . Likewise, to refer to pants or underpants it could mean adult male or little boys underwear. lingerie undies frillies women's undergarments smalls women's underclothes women's nightclothes underclothes underclothing undergarments nightwear nightclothes Filters Filter by Part of speech noun phrase Typical components include an elastic waistband, a crotch panel to cover the genitalia (usually lined with absorbent material such as cotton), and a pair of leg openings that, like the waistband, are often made of . verb. Synonyms BVD undergarment intimate apparel BVD's unmentionable underclothing long johns underclothes lingerie Featured Games Sea Scrambler The ultimate crossword game Rhymes with Underwear neckwear Underwear 3D models for download, files in 3ds, max, c4d, maya, blend, obj, fbx with low poly, animated, rigged, game, and VR options. 4.) nouns. definitions. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Want to thank TFD for its existence? My sister in law is totally against the word "panties" as a term for women's underwear. 2.) a piece of clothing that fits tightly from the breasts to the top of the legs. 'She took her robe night gown, and undergarments off and threw them down the laundry shoot.'. 4 letter words BRAS 5 letter words LINEN - TANGA - THONG 6 letter words BRIEFS - SMALLS 7 . *ment - terms ending with 'ment'. Women's underwear serves the same utilitarian purpose a man's underwear does. What is another word for underwear? Dictionary Thesaurus Sentences Examples . In warmer climates, the loincloth was often the only clothing worn (effectively making it an outer garment rather than an undergarment), as was doubtless its origin, but in colder regions, the loincloth often formed the basis of a person's clothing and was covered by other garments. 636 Synonyms ; 26 Antonyms ; more ; 39 Broader; 61 Narrower; 339 Related? 4 letter words BRAS - SLIP - VEST 5 letter words LINEN - PANTS - SHIFT - SMOCK - VESTS 6 letter words BRIEFS - BUSTLE - CORSET - SHORTS - UNDIES most common Unique synonym related underpants An undergarment, long or short, for the lower part of the body, with a separate opening for each leg 20 2 nether garments 25 9 undies (Plural only, informal) underwear 20 4 balbriggans 23 8 lingerie (Uncountable) Women's underwear or nightclothes, now especially when lacy or designed to be seductive. Savings & Featured Shops. Undergarments synonyms - 135 Words and Phrases for Undergarments underwear n. lingerie n. underclothes n. undies n. underclothing n. panties n. drawers n. skivvies n. underpants n. unmentionable n. underthings n. unmentionables n. bras n. briefs corset n. boxer shorts boxers shorts undershirt bikini jockeys nightclothes n. pants n. bra n. camisoles (noun) in the sense of underclothes a change of underwear Synonyms underclothes lingerie undies (informal) smalls (informal) undergarments unmentionables (humorous) underclothing underthings underlinen broekies (South Africa, informal) underdaks (Australian, slang) See examples for synonyms subject word lists See Underwear overgarment outer garment underwear underclothing underclothes underpants vest undershirt unmentionable undergarment noun Synonyms for undergarment noun a garment worn under other garments Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. Log in. An article of underclothing. wedgie swear word gitch going commando unmentionables unders unds chonies trolleys knickerless commando bad word drawls gotch atomic wedgie comando commando style hidden soggy cottonbottoms hanging wedgie asu undie america vardig shart undies freeballing thong free balling al fresco . 'The undergarments included stockings, petticoats, drawers, and a corset.'. C. define underwear. noun. an old-fashioned piece of women's underwear that is loose and covers the area from the waist to the knees. noun clothing worn under outerwear synonyms for underwear Compare Synonyms bikini bra corset lingerie shorts undergarment underpants undershirt BVDs G-string Jockeys™ boxers briefs drawers loincloth panties skivvies underclothes underclothing undies Jockey™ shorts boxer shorts intimate things long johns smallclothes underthings But like the most common term of the word, underwear, or undies in Britain can refer to all types of . Other Info. Search for synonyms and antonyms. Similar words for Undergarments. Definitions of underwear, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of underwear, analogical dictionary of underwear (English) underwear > synonyms. The word drawers was invented because underwear was drawn on. Noun: 1. underwear - undergarment worn next to the skin and under the outer garments This information should . basque noun. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. Synonyms (underwear): boxer shorts, briefs, . Synonyms [ edit] lingerie (usually female) shreddies (UK, usually male) skivvies (usually male) smalls (UK, Australia, informal) smallclothes. p a nti - [noun] panty; panties; women's underwear more. 15. See synonyms for undergarment on noun an article of underwear. As "balls" is slang for testicles, this term is typically only used to refer to men. They keep outer clothes from being made dirty by sweat. Similar words for Women's underwear. Wikipedia . in your underwear: 3. Undergarments synonyms What is another word for Undergarments? undergarment ( ˈʌndəˌɡɑːmənt) n (Clothing & Fashion) any garment worn under the visible outer clothes, usually next to the skin Collins English Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 un•der•gar•ment (ˈʌn dərˌgɑr mənt) n. an article of underwear. Synonyms Similar meaning. 4. Use our Synonym Finder Nearby Words undergird undergirded undergirding undergirds undergo undergo a change undergarment underfunded underfoot underflows underflow underfloors 13-letter Words Starting With u un und unde under underg underga undergar undergarm undergarme undergarmen Find Synonyms We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. You'll need to take some warm underwear. sound like it. BVD , BVD's trademark for men's underwear intimate apparel , lingerie women's underwear and nightclothes long johns warm underwear with long legs Skivvies men's underwear consisting of . Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate these synonyms: undergarments noun. UNDERWEAR Meaning: "undergarments," 1872, from under + wear (n.). Classic Thesaurus. 4. Product ID: 147284389835746479 adjectives. Underwear can be used to protect the wearer's modesty, as well as to make them look sexy. Panties can be form-fitting or loose. Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for UNDERWEAR We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word underwear will help you to finish your crossword today. We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word undergarments will help you to finish your crossword today. Noun Phrase So called because they are worn under one's clothing. Learn more. Looks like the word "moist" takes some hits too. Origin of undergarment First recorded in 1520-30; under- + garment Words nearby undergarment underflow, underfoot, underframe, underfunded, underfur, undergarment, undergird, underglaze, undergo, undergrad, undergraduate underwear: 1 n undergarment worn next to the skin and under the outer garments Synonyms: underclothes , underclothing Types: show 6 types. List search. Submitted by Joe B. on Nov 06 1998 . 3.) Find related terms for 'Underwear': basque, bloomers, body, boxers, bra, brassiere, briefs, bustier, camiknickers, camisole, chemise, corset, drawers What is another word for undergarment? undergarments noun. Last edited on Dec 15 2010. More 90 Undergarments Synonyms. 20 underwear noun Save Word Synonyms & Antonyms of underwear clothing intended to be worn underneath other clothing he had been sleeping in his underwear so he had to put a robe on before answering the door Synonyms for underwear underclothes, underclothing, undergarments, undies, unmentionables Near Antonyms for underwear outerwear DEFINITIONS 1. Slang for underwear (Related Terms) - Urban Thesaurus. Definition of panties in a wad in the Idioms Dictionary. Below you will be able to find all Word Whizzle Underwear Answers .This is a very popular game developed by Apprope who have also developed other similar games such as WordBubbles and Wordcross. The best 15 synonyms for panties, including: underpants, undies, knickers, dungaree, g-strings, underwear, hot pants, nightgown, crotchless, nightie, miniskirt and more. Slang for underwear (Related Terms) - Urban Thesaurus. Briefs (Men & Women) The regular underwear for men are called briefs. Apparently she is not alone: A quick google search turned up other instances of "pantie" offense. Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Undergarments meaning and usage. 'She took her robe night gown, and undergarments off and threw them down the laundry shoot.'. Parts of speech. a* - terms starting with 'a'. 'At the bottom of the trunk she found a set of white undergarments including lacy petticoats and a full corseted bodice.'. wedgie swear word gitch going commando unmentionables unders unds chonies trolleys knickerless commando bad word drawls gotch atomic wedgie comando commando style hidden soggy cottonbottoms hanging wedgie asu undie america vardig shart undies freeballing thong free balling al fresco . Right now, our custom underwear is hovering a bit below $19, at $18.86 for men's custom underwear and $18.81 for women's custom underwear. Synonyms Antonyms Etymology 1. underwear noun. The undergarments resemble a white t-shirt tucked into long white shorts and are meant to be worn underneath one's clothes at all times. If nothing is found, then alternative search will try to find the terms that: start with searched query. underclothes clothing worn under outerwear underclothing clothing worn under outerwear lingerie clothing worn under outerwear underwear corset undies clothing worn under outerwear Instead, say "I'll need four pairs of underwear for my business trip." Answer link. The reason why you landed on our page is because you are seeking help for Word Whizzle Underwear Answers. underclothing. Men's boxer shorts. 'The undergarments included stockings, petticoats, drawers, and a corset.'. 1 synonym for undergarment: unmentionable. Contexts Clothes worn next to the skin, underneath outer clothing A woman's elasticated corset extending from waist to thigh Noun Clothes worn next to the skin, underneath outer clothing undies underclothes underclothing undergarments briefs underpants drawers lingerie smalls underthings panties unmentionables They usually have an elastic waist. The loincloth is the simplest form of underwear; it was probably the first undergarment worn by human beings. noun. Underpants (boxer shorts) . underclothes. They also shape the body and provide support for parts of it, and in cold weather help the wearer to keep warm. underwear - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. sentences. similar to it. The definitions of these slang words appear below the list. Most common slang words for underwear in Britain today is knickers - or knicks for short - or big pants, as one would be referring to women's underwear. Best synonyms for 'underwear' are 'panties', 'knickers' and 'underpants'. Boxers (Men) This is a loose fitting underwear for men, usually made of cotton or silk and look like shorts. An article of underclothing. Panties (in American English, also called pants, undies or knickers in British English) are a form of underwear worn traditionally by women. panties in a wad phrase. synonyms. noun uncountable. Synonyms & Antonyms of undergarments clothing intended to be worn underneath other clothing pack plenty of warm undergarments for the ski vacation Synonyms for undergarments underclothes, underclothing, underwear, undies, unmentionables Near Antonyms for undergarments outerwear See the Dictionary Definition WORD OF THE DAY banana hammock - bra - bro - budgie smugglers - cacks - chones - crotchless panties - grape smuggler - grape smugglers - grundies - knickers - manssiere - manties - manzier - over the shoulder boulder holder - PP - skid - skid mark - tighties . antonyms. Related terms for undergarments- synonyms, antonyms and sentences with undergarments. Synonyms for undergarment in Free Thesaurus. UNDERGARMENT Synonyms: 37 Synonyms & Antonyms for UNDERGARMENT | Thesaurus / undergarment FEEDBACK undergarment See definition of undergarment on as in girdle as in panties as in underwear synonyms for undergarment Compare Synonyms waistband band belt sash underwear Explanation: One would say, "this is my underwear." When referencing underwear in the plural, never say "underwears"--it's not a word. For women it is a modest underwear style that usually starts at the waist. Lists. . What are synonyms for undergarment? The loincloth is the simplest form of underwear; it was probably the first undergarment worn by human beings. Look no further, we have solved all Word . ments This thesaurus page is about all possible synonyms, equivalent, same meaning and similar words for the term undergarments. ['ˈʌndɝˌwɛr'] undergarment worn next to the skin and under the outer garments. Related words. hide 6 types. salaw á l - [noun] underwear; trousers; briefs more. Knickers, undies, skivvies, drawers, bloomers — while 'underwear' is the most universally accepted term, we'd be lying if we said we've never used one of these nicknames to describe our undergarments. In warmer climates, the loincloth was often the only clothing worn (effectively making it an outer garment rather than an undergarment), as was doubtless its origin, but in colder regions, the loincloth often formed the basis of a person's clothing and was covered by other garments. See more words with the same meaning: to not wear underpants. Underwear - thesaurus. bloomers noun. However, the hatred of the word "panties" comes from how disconnected the sexy word is from the function of what it means. Definition of underwear noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Mormon underwear, formally known as a temple garment, is a type of undergarment worn by Mormons. putting big girl panties on word text saying funny cute sarcastic words fun whimsy word design trendy stylish words big girl panty elastic pop say what you think snarky funny words magnetic designs humorous colorful lime green black. adverbs. 3. See definitions of underwear. English Wikipedia has an article on: underpants. The English word "underwear" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog: 1.) 12 Women's underwear Synonyms. The word knickers comes from a novel called History of New York by Diedrich Knickerbocker, supposedly a Dutchman living in New York (it was actually written by Washington Irving). Adult Mormons receive the temple garments in a special ceremony, a tradition that has been practiced since the . Noun Phrase Insulated vests, hooded jackets, sweaters, jeans, long underwear, thick socks and waterproof, lined boots offer protection. kalsuns i lyo - [noun] underwear; under garments; under pants more. Synonyms for 'Underwear'. Yup, I'm free-balling. to not wear underwear. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. underpants pl (plural only) underwear covering the genitalia and often buttocks, usually going no higher than the navel. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. Synonyms: Jesus jammies. brip - [noun] briefs; men's underwear more. 1.2.1 Synonyms; 1.2.2 Translations; 1.2.3 See also; English . rating alphabet syllables length. Anyway, she feels that the word "panties" somehow does a disservice to women the world over. » underwear n. undergarment. What does panties in a wad expression mean? UK /ˈʌndə (r)ˌweə (r)/. Women's underwear synonyms What is another word for Women's underwear? My underwear was in the wash, so I had to free-ball it. We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. Pick out a few sets of long underwear; even though they may not be needed, but if in a northern section of Russia or visit during a storm, long underwear will make being outside bearable. If you're signed up for Printify Premium, our fantastic monthly subscription service, you'll enjoy costs of around $14.60. Thesaurus for Undergarments. underwear definition: 1. clothes worn next to the skin, under other clothes 2. clothes worn next to the skin, under other…. thesaurus. It can be worn separately, often as underwear, or as the top part of a dress. Underwear are clothes worn under other clothes, often next to the skin. All Free. In Britain, the illustrations for the book showed a Dutchman wearing long, loose-fitting garments on his . 'At the bottom of the trunk she found a set of white undergarments including lacy petticoats and a full corseted bodice.'. Find another word for panties at YourDictionary.