Tune into our newscasts for this and more local and state news stories anytime day or night. 788 E Coomer St. Morenci, MI 49256 Phone: 517-458-7501 Fax: 517-458-7821 Additional Contact Info ; Bus Garage: 517-458-7508 . Morenci is located in southeastern Arizona and is home to Freeport-McMoRan's copper mining operation, the largest in North America and one of the largest copper mines in the world. School Board Finder Learn more about how to get involved. Everyone at the school from the principal, to the teachers, to the support staff, have the education and growth of the children as their number one goal. He began his teaching career in Camden-Frontier but soon joined the staff of Morenci Area Schools . . Board of Education; Positions Available; School Improvement; Staff Directory; Superintendent's Corner; Technology; Transparency Reporting; Board Policies; Imagination Library; Staff Resources; COVID-19 Case Awareness; Central Office 4700 Northland Drive Morley, MI 49336 231-856-4392 (f) 231-856-4180. The district is contracting with K-9 Bed Bug Hunters to make sure our schools are healthy for students and staff. . When contact tracing was administered determining which individuals were within 6 feet of the infected person for a period of more than 15 minutes more and more individuals were added to the growing . The identified areas will either receive a heat treatment (a device that heats up objects to over 120 degrees to kill any living bugs or eggs), or will be treated with a rubbing alcohol spray to kill the bed bugs and prevent further . Morenci Area Schools Staff Mini-grants MEF began awarding mini-grants to Morenci Area School staff members in 2002, and ever since they have become a vital source of funding for innovative ideas which would never make it out of the planning stages without the resources to support them. It has 328 students in grades 9-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 16 to 1. The photo in this post is a Google Maps capture. For about half of the high school student body of 40 or so, Duncan or Morenci will be familiar territory because they transferred to Clifton from either of those two schools. 23.9% came from local sources, 69.9% from state sources, and 6.2% from federal sources. Schools . The board will conduct a public meeting to discuss the attributes needed for the next superintendent at 6 p.m. Tuesday, March 29, in the middle school library. Lenawee County, MI - Polls will be open in three locations in Lenawee County tomorrow for a May special electionincluding Tecumseh and Morenci Schools, and certain voters in Medina Township. Morenci Area Schools . Browse best elementary, middle, and high schools private and public schools by grade level in Morenci, Michigan (MI). DonorsChoose is the most trusted classroom funding site for teachers. 4 stars . Voters approved the millage renewal 191-62, according to unofficial numbers posted by the Lenawee County Clerk's Office Tuesday night. Morenci Elementary School 517 East Locust St, Morenci, MI 49256 See all 1 schools Students at Morenci Area Schools The student body at the schools served by Morenci Area Schools is 87.1% White, 0%. According to state test scores, 55% of students are at least proficient in math and 55% in reading. Elementary Schools - Students may ask their teacher to . Verbal attacks or perceived attacks on Morenci City Council members, staff, or other individuals will not be tolerated during the public input section of the meeting. Facebook Pages ; Morenci Area Schools Facebook Page ; Morenci MS/HS Facebook Page Morenci Area School District had a per-pupil revenue of $12,505 per pupil in the 2016-17 school year. Addison. [ - ] indicates . 2 Elementary Schools. The Hillsdale County ISD has a millage proposal on the ballot for Medina voters who reside in the Morenci Area Schools and Waldron Area Schools onlytheir polling location is at Medina Township Hall . . Property for sale at Property for sale at 327 Owosso St, Morenci, MI 49256 | Danberry Realtors Property for sale for $74,000. Voters approved the renewal 218-61. Find relevant staff and department contacts under an easy-to-navigate directory. . 3 stars . Select Departments Administration Board of Education Rick Hilderley Superintendent Administration 517-423-2167, 1234 . Students were sent home early due to the water main break. Hudson Area Schools will recognize retirees and staff at . District Name: Morenci Area Schools schools for this district: NCES District ID: 2624570: State District ID: MI-46100: Mailing Address: 788 Coomer St . An operating millage renewal for Morenci Area Schools was passed by school district voters Tuesday. March 9, 2022 WLEN News Staff Featured Slider, News Daypop Morenci, MI - A long-time Lenawee County Educator announced his retirement, and it was accepted by the Morenci Area Schools Board of Education Monday night. Miami-Dade Schools will now be offering mandatory mental health training to faculty and staff inside the district schools. Staff EMail List - Morenci Area Schools Finance Director, Erica Metcalf : emetcalf@morencibulldogs.org. MORENCI - The end of the summer break is upon us as Wednesday, July 28, marked the start of classes for the Morenci School District's 2021-22 school year. . Morenci Elementary School is a public school located in MORENCI, MI. 13 May 2022. The meeting may be moved to the middle school cafeteria based on the size of the crowd. Solutions . Find Morenci Elementary School test scores, student-teacher ratio, parent reviews and teacher stats. Still, the district is expecting to complete the project by the end of 2022. . From Business: Morenci Middle School works for the development of mental, physical and social growth of children. Staff allows . All technical support will be addressed and handled through the District Technology Department. The 18-mill property tax is levied on businesses, rental properties and second homes, not property owners' primary residences. Morenci, MI - Morenci Area Schools will be implementing energy-saving infrastructure upgrades as part of a major restructuring of their student learning environment. . SchoolBug offers details on high school, middle school, and elementary schools. The school district has also acknowledged its seniors with senior spotlight pictures on its Facebook page and allowed them to take a photo on the football field that had been painted with . The townsite of Morenci is comprised of approximately 1,600 homes as well as a business plaza, healthcare complex, recreational facilities and school district. Facebook Pages ; Morenci Area Schools Facebook Page ; "With the additional help of the trained dogs the district will be able to target specific . RATINGS. The forests are the halls of Metcalf Elementary School, Fairbanks Middle School, and Morenci High School, which had talkative students scurrying between classes once again. See more of Morenci Middle and High School on Facebook. 5 stars . was taken at Hudson. Pettisville Schools 232 Summit Street, PO BOX 53001 Pettisville, Ohio 43553 p-419.446.2705 | toll free 1.888.446.2705 f-419.445.2992 UPDATE: Morenci Area Schools closed at 1:15 because of the water main break. Morenci schools - Morenci Area High School is located at 788 East Coomer Street . 1 Private School. . Find Us . Superintendent Michael McAran's official last day will be June 30th of this year. Morenci Area Middle School (Closed 2015) 304 Page St. Morenci, MI 49256. 304 Page St Morenci, MI 49256 Phone: 517-458-7506 Fax: 517-458-7146 . Morenci Area Schools went to all-virtual learning beginning Nov. 4 due to an unspecified number of positive COVID-19 cases in the district. View Erica Metcalf's business profile as Director, Finance at Morenci Area Schools. What's the most important thing to look for in the staff at a school? For example, the enrollment and staff characteristics for districts that opened in the 2021-2022 school year will not be available until the full 2021-2022 file is released. McAran continued, with a return to Tecumseh. Box 1060 | Morenci, AZ 85540 Phone: (928) 865-2081 Fax: (928) 865-3130 Health & Safety. 1 Middle School. . (517) 458-7506. This record is for MORENCI AREA HIGH SCHOOL in MORENCI, MI. 21 were here. Log In. Faculty and staff email addresses are available to support and enhance communication between staff and parents. MORENCI If it wasn't for the parts shortage brought on by the pandemic, Morenci Area Schools would be further along in the district's project to install more energy-efficient lighting and heating and cooling equipment and it would be seeing lower utility bills. Users can add an event to their calendar to share the event with friends and family with one tap. Teachers & Staff; District Calendar; District Finances; Nearby Homes for Rent & Sale; Reviews; 1 Preschool. The Morenci Area Schools Board of Education accepted his retirement notice at its meeting March 7. May 3, 2022 WLEN News Staff Featured Slider, News Daypop Adrian, MI - This is the article with the latest updates on the May 3rd elections being held within Lenawee County. 304 Page St Morenci, MI 49256 Phone: 517-458-7506 Fax: 517-458-7146 . Find Morenci Area High School test scores, student-teacher ratio, parent reviews and teacher stats. IN BUSINESS. Morenci MS/HS . 2 Total Schools. Sources. Across a variety of grades and subjects, The Copper Era spoke . Morenci Area Schools Staff Lisa Acuna Elementary lacuna@morencibulldogs.org Lisa Arnett MS/HS Social Worker High School larnett@morencibulldogs.org Nicole Bays Bus Driver Bus Driver nbays@morencibulldogs.org Jonathan Boesger High School Science Teacher High School jonathan.boesger@morencibulldogs.org Brigell Bovee-Vernier Kindergarten Teacher 5 Total Schools. High school, middle school, and elementrary school data is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed : MORENCI AREA HIGH SCHOOL. A commemorative photo will be taken by a staff member and the parent dedication video will be available for purchase at the conclusion of the drive-through. *Although we will not be able to enjoy our annual community event again this year, you can still contribute to our students by . Morenci High School is an above average, public school located in MORENCI, AZ. Box 1060 | Morenci, AZ 85540 Phone: (928) 865-2081 Fax: (928) 865-3130 Facebook Powerschool YouTube Schoology My School Bucks Go to top Best Morenci schools listed by Morenci school districts. Browse best elementary, middle, and high schools private and public schools by grade level in Morenci, Arizona (AZ). A news release on the district's website also reminds students and staff that there . . Sales ; . ADVERTISEMENT 5.0 5 Reviews. Across a variety of grades and subjects, The Copper Era spoke . Morenci, MI - WLEN News continues coverage of the retirement announcement for Morenci Area Schools Superintendent Mike McAran. MORENCI - The end of the summer break is upon us as Wednesday, July 28, marked the start of classes for the Morenci School District's 2021-22 school year. Staff End of Year Luncheon Honors Retirees & Years of Service. Facebook Pages ; Morenci Area Schools Facebook Page ; Morenci MS/HS Facebook Page ; Morenci Elementary ; Morenci Athletics Additional Contact info ; Bus Garage: 517-458-7508 . Introducing the brand new app for Morenci Area School District Inc. NEVER MISS AN EVENT The event section shows a list of events throughout the district. Powered by XQ. It has 216 students in grades PK, K-4 with a student-teacher ratio of 12 to 1. 304 Page St Morenci, MI 49256 Phone: 517-458-7506 Fax: 517-458-7146 . January 13, 2022 WLEN News Staff Featured Slider, News Daypop. Infinite Campus Staff Portal; AESOP; Staff Email; Employee Access Center; Follett Library Access; SafeSchools Training; Staff Ticket System; Tecumseh Public Schools ; Tecumseh Acres Early Learning Center ; ENVIRONMENT. A student-centered decision maker with a genuine commitment to putting students first Respectful and supportive of staff Communicates clearly, regularly, respectfully and transparently with all stakeholders Active listener that is open and responsive to . Tecumseh Public Schools, Morenci Area Schools, and Hillsdale ISD (Medina Township) all have elections today. 1 High School. 517 448 8912; Home; Buildings. . 4 Public District Schools. Hudson Area Schools is proud to announce that Mrs. Rosanne Kopin has been approved as the new permanent elementary principal for Hudson Area Schools' Lincoln Elementary. Morenci Unified School District #18 538 Stadium Drive | P.O. Morenci Area Schools . I am thankful for our amazing staff and our supportive community! 788 E Coomer St. Morenci, MI 49256 517-458-7501 517-458-7821. Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. District Info. Top Companies . Elementary School. Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Use the search field above to filter by staff name. Job Opportunities > Superintendent - Morenci Area Schools - Michigan. MORENCI With a new school year swiftly upon us, the Morenci Unified School District announced it is adding 14 new educators. High School - Students may bring their device to the High School Technology Office for technical support. . Morenci, MI - All Morenci Area Schools students will be remote learning through Friday due to a high COVID-19 positivity rate and a high number of students and staff identified as close contacts. Duncan is located 32 . The nearest high school and middle school to Morenci Area Schools Alternative Education is Morenci Middle And High School (0.9 miles away) . Morenci High offers very low . 650 students | MORENCI, MI Grades PK-12 | 2 schools. Morenci, MI - All Morenci Area Schools students will be remote learning through Friday due to a high COVID-19 positivity rate and a high number of students and staff identified as close contacts. Leads by Industry . If you have a minute, please check out our MES . Morenci Elementary School located in Morenci, Michigan - MI. Jun 27, 2021. The district contacted K-9 Bed Bug Hunters to ensure the schools are healthy for students and staff. Related Link : Get teen help for troubled teens in MORENCI, Michigan : Troubled . June 08, 2022 . [ - ] indicates . Website. The owner of property with a taxable value of $100,000 . No matter what challenges arise, they always come together to get the job done. Staff EMail List - Morenci Area Schools Mike McAran Morenci Area Schools Superintendent 788 E. Coomer St. Morenci, MI 49256 517-458-7501 mcaran@morencibulldogs.org Aug 31, 2021 From Staff Reports MORENCI Morenci Area Schools voters are being asked to renew the district's operating millage at Tuesday's election. As a teacher-founded nonprofit, we're trusted by thousands of teachers and supporters . Sources. 304 Page St. Morenci, MI 49256. Enjoy the long weekend! Morenci Unified School District #18 538 Stadium Drive | P.O. The Morenci Area Schools Board of Education returned its officers to their same positions Monday for the year. If you could not attend the reunion or did not see everyone you would have liked to, consider joining our online alumni contact list. For example, the enrollment and staff characteristics for districts that opened in the 2021-2022 school year will not be available until the full 2021-2022 file is released. Middle School - Students may ask their teacher to submit a ticket for technical support. Morenci Unified School District #18 538 Stadium Drive | P.O. Morenci MS/HS . Other (school staff, family member, recent alum, etc) June 11, 2016. Find contact's direct phone number, email address, work history, and more. Lincoln Elementary; Hudson MS & JR/SR HS; Alternative Education; SMCSI; Students and Families. It is an amazing school. Updated . The early closure covered Morenci early Head Start as well. The percentage of students achieving proficiency in math was 20-24% (which was lower than the Michigan state average of 41%) for the 2013-14 school year. The forests are the halls of Metcalf Elementary School, Fairbanks Middle School, and Morenci High School, which had talkative students scurrying between classes once again. You many have heard that Morenci Area Schools is working on an updated webpage. Information to help parents choose the right public school for their children in the Morenci Area Schools. In a release to the media by the school district, Traneby Trane Technologies a global climate innovator, has collaborated with the district to develop and implement each of the energy savings measures. Mailing Address: 788 E. Coomer Street, Morenci, MI 49256; Principal or Admin: Mr. Nate Parker; Fax: (517) 458-7146; Website: morenci.k12.mi.us The school s academic curriculum includes math, language arts,. Voting is Tuesday, May 4, at Morenci City Hall, 118 Orchard St. This record is for MORENCI AREA MIDDLE SCHOOL in MORENCI, MI. YEARS. Tecumseh Public Schools 760 Brown St Tecumseh, MI 49286 Phone: 517-423-2167 Fax: 517-423-3847. 788 E. COOMER STREET Morenci, MI 49256 County: Lenawee Grade span: 9 - 12 Phone: (517) 458-7502 (make sure to verify first before calling) Morenci, MI - A long-time Lenawee County Educator announced his retirement, and it was accepted by the Morenci Area Schools Board of Education Monday night. Find Us City of Morenci 118 Orchard Street Morenci, MI 49256, (517) 458-6828 (517) 458-2390 -- fax number (517) 759-0004 -- after hours phone number 2007 Student Enrollment: 270 Female Enrollment: 134 Male Enrollment: 136 9th Grade Enrollment: 50 10th Grade Enrollment: 73 11th Grade Enrollment: 80 12th Grade Enrollment: 67 9th Data Sources. This feature will provide you with an opportunity to reconnect . All of us - including cafeteria workers, custodians, maintenance workers, instructional aides, computer technicians, teachers, administrators, office personnel and other staff are a team focused on supporting the continued academic and personal growth of each student. Box 1060 | Morenci, AZ 85540 Phone: (928) 865-2081 Fax: (928) 865-3130 Laura Spencer was reappointed treasurer, and Ivy Hutchison will again serve as board secretary. Scott Merillat was reappointed board president, while Carrie Dillon was again seated as vice president. Morenci Area High School located in Morenci, Michigan - MI. A total of 253 Morenci School District voters or 7.49% of the voting population went to the polls Tuesday. . Best Morenci schools listed by Morenci school districts. Morenci Area Schools. He talked to WLEN News about the main reason he decided to retire. In a conversation with WLEN News, McAran highlighted his education career in Lenawee County. or Morenci School Legacy Fund: Scholarship Resources: Staff Mini-grants: Other links: Morenci Area Schools: Welcome: Our 2022 Annual Dinner and Auction event has been CANCELED due to continuing global health concerns. District Name: Morenci Area Schools schools for this district: NCES District ID: 2624570: State District ID: MI-46100: Mailing Address: 788 Coomer St . The affected school districts include Addison Community Schools, Clinton Community Schools, Morenci Area Schools and Sand Creek Community Schools. Related Link : Get teen help for troubled teens in MORENCI, Michigan : Troubled Teen Help A news release on the district's website also reminds students and staff that there . Our faculty will respond to email during plan periods or at other times during their duty day as available. High school, middle school, and elementrary school data is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed : MORENCI AREA MIDDLE SCHOOL. Staff Resources. The official website of Hudson Area Schools. He said that he has enjoyed . After a staff member at Addison Community Schools tested positive for COVID-19, contact tracing revealed that two classrooms of students in the elementary school would need to be quarantined . According to state test scores, 27% of students are at least proficient in math and 37% in reading. Staff Mini-grants: Other links: Morenci Area Schools: Morenci Alumni: It was great to see everyone who attended the 2014 Alumni Reunion on June 21! Cute and comfy 1 story home with 2 bedrooms, 1 bath home on dead end street in Morenci. 2 . BY ROLE. Meet the Staff Nick Wilson Operations Director Trent Williams Facilities Director Jim Petry Maintenance Joe Farquhar Maintenance Brent Wilder Custodian Becky Mock Custodian Jaycee Heilner Custodian Cassie Holdrige Custodian Brandie Crowell Custodian Additional Contact Info Bus Garage: 517-458-7508 January 13, 2022 WLEN News Staff Featured Slider, News Daypop. 45. Read More. Morenci MS/HS . MORENCI Morenci Area Schools' nonhomestead operating millage was renewed for another year in Tuesday's special election. In 1962, Meyer graduated from Morenci High School and then worked his way through college. Faculty and staff have responsibilities for teaching and supervising students as well as other duties. From the School. Morenci Unified School District #18 538 Stadium Drive | P.O. ( School attendance zone shown in map) Morenci Area Middle School served 180 students in grades 6-8. Box 1060 | Morenci, AZ 85540 Phone: (928) 865-2081 Fax: (928) 865-3130 MORENCI With a new school year swiftly upon us, the Morenci Unified School District announced it is adding 14 new educators. Superintendent Michael McAran's official last day will be June 30th of this year.