This is a part of the Wikipedia article used under the Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Unported License (CC-BY-SA). Here's a brief summary of the Lacerta Files: Lacerta (speaking to Human interviewer): Your puny human mind cannot comprehend the way things really are, so unfortunately, I cannot explain it to you. 1.21.00. File Type PDF Alien Periodic Table Analyze Conclude Answers A meeting took place in the southern part of Sweden back in . 49 - The Oneida Community Part III: Whoops, We're a Sex Cult. In that copied file, look for "Lacerta MGen" and change the "group" attribute of the enclosing . Do you think they are truthful? ALACHUA, Fla., March 01, 2022--Lacerta Therapeutics, a preclinical-stage gene therapy company, announces an expansion in the executive leadership team: Kenneth Warrington, Jr., PhD, co-founder of . Lacerta would state that because they "usually live beneath the surface of the planet", they would measure time against the "periodically returning cycles in the Earth magnetic field". New posts Search . . TikTok video from By the people for the people (@theufocollective): "Crazy to think this came out in 1999! In 1934, a man found two golden tablets under Los Angeles and was said to be part of the "serpent people", who planned on infiltrating the Human race and taking over the world. And she said that not every reptilian is allowed to get on the surface. Top de podcasts Answer: The Lacerta Files files would seem, at least in my opinion, to be an obvious work of fiction, for reasons I will come onto shortly. After one trip, he returned and told my mother he saw a 'portal' appear in front of him. 1.21.00. When so many-many wonders are on the surface? Furthermore, if these Alien races are so advanced, then they should be able to manufacture their own copper. The Elohim are alien demons and the antagonist in The Lacerta Files. Originally posted by Gazrok. What is your opinion on the lacerta files. Oua o Lacerta Files Complete Transcript: Earthling Retilian Interview 1999 de Beyond Top Secret Texan Podcast instantaneamente no seu tablet, telefone ou navegador - sem fazer qualquer download. Answer: I think it is utter nonsense. The closest big town was Yreka, but they lived on a homestead near the Klamath River. After shutdown and startup Temp Comp. 3: Copper has no magical properties that we know of, and there is no reason to believe it does. Lacerta strigata, the Caucasus emerald lizard, five-streaked lizard, or Caspian green lizard, is a species of lizard in the family Lacertidae. Lizards were captured under licence during the years 2005, 2006 and 2007, sampling most of the distribution of Lacerta lepida in Portugal, Spain, and France. Video mpeg movies and Audio mp3 files of the BL Lacerta Music and Dance Ensemble. It may still produce 20MP files, but a quad-pixel AF Stacked CMOS sensor, 50 fps shooting with full AF and genuine, IP rated weather sealing show OM Digital Solutions' ambition. Can you imagine how boring would be for some of these reptilians to live their life only underground? Part of the pronounciation of that name is absolute unique and there is no other being with the same name, but part of this name (the middle part) is pronounced in a way that told the others to which "family" (I must use the word, because you havent the right one in your . Rules of this debate: 1: no trolling, No convincingperson 2: You must choose another part to counter in order to give example. (Sales figure is modelled). Our view of good and evil are generalizations. Likely Hoaxed. [40]Sparx's claims are very consistent with the experience of another 'contactee' OleK., who claims to have met with a female Reptilian, Lacerta, and interviewed heron a number of occasions and distributed the interviews as the 'Lacerta Files'.According to Lacerta, Reptilians who have evolved on Earth are distinct to'off-world . Only part 1 has been dubbed, yet, but I thought I'd post a link here, for anyone interested: Lacerta is one of the 88 modern constellations defined by the International Astronomical Union.Its name is Latin for lizard.A small, faint constellation, it was defined in 1687 by the astronomer Johannes Hevelius.Its brightest stars form a "W" shape similar to that of Cassiopeia, and it is thus sometimes referred to as 'Little Cassiopeia'.It is located between Cygnus, Cassiopeia and Andromeda . Types of Reptoids [] Elders [] . Watch out, The Lacerta files and frogfish don't mix since frogfish is the all-knowing. But here are some pictures anyways, because I really don't care. Lacerta File I [] Question 15. . GALACTIC HISTORY - 75 million years ago, an Intergalactic Federation existed, consisting of 75 planetary civilizations. Nevertheless, this little humanoid-like dinosaur evolved during the following 30 million years (as I have said earlier, a species need generally more time to evolve then you . The first is a Mana tracker which allows you to keep track of all the acquired Mana a Lacerta has and when you submit your Lacerta to change its rank makes counting easier for our Admins! Company Description: Lacerta Group, Inc. is located in Mansfield, MA, United States and is part of the Plastics Product Manufacturing Industry. There are theories that the radiation from the bomb took part in the mutations of the organism of this new breed, but this is not proven. While this would make her "57,663 cycles old" the human equivalent would be around 28 years old. . 50 - Aleksandr Dugin and Traditionalism But it's a Tribute to The Big Lebowski. (Translator of this text and editor of "UFO + PSI Research Magazine) Some weeks ago, I was asked from an online-friend if I can translate a certain document concerning the truth about UFOs, aliens and our real history. Lacerta Group, Inc. has 7 employees at this location. intergalactic "spy" shocker: in a scene right out of the 1967-'68"invaders" sci-fi tv series, an extraterrestrial entity called a"septeloid" from the "delta pavonis" star system successfullyinfiltrated the u.s. government as an employee, was "outed" by an "alienabductee" and then sent packing back to his alien . The Elohim are very sensitive to our light. These are pics of a supposed reptilian being. In Phase I, the World Governments declassify and release documents of UFO and unexplained phenomenon to the public. Recently, I teamed up with someone on Youtube to create a reading of the files that aren't done by a robot. The LACERTA MFOC is an ASCOM compatible focusmotor controller with position feedback, temperature and backlash compensation and exposure monitoring possibility. Explain why or why not you think they are real. This licensing tag was added to this file as part of the GFDL licensing update. And that's its chief problem. 04/22/2000. That is the size of a small human town. A small part of the tail tip was removed and specimens were released in the site of capture. LACERTA MGEN-3 Stand-Alone AutoGuider Started Jan 21, 2021 . The Elohim are described as "tall humanoids who were pale looking, blond with blue-eyes" and were light sensitive. 4: No fandom comments or non-canon changes. here is the link The Lacerta Files. . Company Description: Lacerta Group, LLC is located in Mansfield, MA, United States and is part of the Plastics Product Manufacturing Industry. part of your telescope (preferably isolated against outside air), to pick up Temp. It's not remotely verifiable or comprehensible by our scientific understanding. Transcript reading of interview with reptilian "Lacerta" from Dec 1999. original sound. She says that her people were secretly in contact with various governments around the . Daily News In the third episode of our investigative series based on an extensive array of internal Facebook documents, we look at a persistent problem on the platform: human trafficking. He said that he had received this fascinating . TikTok video from By the people for the people (@theufocollective): "Crazy to think this came out in 1999! Trackers are an integral part of participating in an ARPG ! Connect LACERTA MOTORFOCUS to PC and power supply using accessory cables. Part of the pronounciation of that name is absolute unique and there is no other being with the same name, but part of this name (the middle part) is pronounced in a way that told the others to which "family" (I must use the word, because you havent the right one in your vocabulary) you belong. LACERTA MOTORFOCUS 3 2016 Technical data: Size: 79x117x24mm (120gr) . 1.18.25. And Lacerta herself declared she is living inside a dome of about 2.5Km diameter. Deutsch: Junge de:Riesen-Smaragdeidechse (Lacerta trilineata) an einem Wegrand auf de:Kreta. not the past. Lacerta is typical of Milky Way constellations: no bright galaxies, nor globular clusters, but instead open clusters, for example NGC 7243, the faint planetary nebula IC 5217 and quite a few double stars.It also contains the prototypic blazar BL Lacertae.Lacerta contains no Messier objects.. Stars. WSJ's Justin Scheck describes documents showing that Facebook has closely . U GUYS WANT A PART 2 for this topic? Connect LACERTA MOTORFOCUS to PC and power supply using accessory cables. 1.24.25. link. You have an awful lot to learn SkinWalker, if you want to discuss these topics intelligently. Introduction . The best of Lacerte, now on the cloud. Users Online Now: 1,994 : Visitors Today: 193,329: . MindStar by Michael Aquino part 2 chapter 5-6; Photographic Evidence: Over 100 UFO, OVNI, UAP photos; My Family Thinks I'm Crazy Interviews the Beyond Top Secret Texan; MINDSTAR pt 1 - Michael Aquino Chapters 1- 4 and biography; The Best UFO Evidence on Spotify #UFO #OVNI #ufos #ovnis #uap #uaps Vol 6 1.18.25. . I've written an answer at some length elsewhere on Quora (Quora User's answer to What are arguments against the existence of Lacerta?) There are five . (If someone k. 2.6K Likes, 83 Comments. View File [CostumeCustomizer] Lacerta Mod A costume swap with Hitomi's Lacerta SR including the alternate textures Lynx and Gemini. Heike. . Deutsch: Junge de:Riesen-Smaragdeidechse (Lacerta trilineata) an einem Wegrand auf de:Kreta Dies ist eine bearbeitete Version von de:Bild:Mauereidechse-Kreta-1024x768.jpg.Der Bildausschnitt wurde verkleinert, damit die Eidechse auch im Thumbnailmodus erkennbar bleibt. Explain why or why not you think they are real. It's absolute nonsense. . In Volans-Lacerta there are two major Trackers that you need to participate in the group successfully! LACERTA MOTORFOCUS 3 2016 Technical data: Size: 79x117x24mm (120gr) . #86 - AAWSAP & AATIP: Why Confusion Continues To Reign and Questions Continue To Linger (11/3/21) #85 - Jay from Project Unity on the Wilson/Davis Leak (9/2/21) #84 - Black Vault FOIA Document Updates and OPEN LINES (8/21/21) #83 - Luis Jimenez and Michael Mataluni on The Big Phone Home (8/6/21) 3: no swearing in any form except for quotes. posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 08:51 PM link . Transcript of the Interview (Shortened Version) . Sampling intensity was concentrated in regions known to contain high genetic divergence within western and south-eastern part of Iberia [].Lizards were captured using tomahawk traps or by hand, and tissue samples were taken by . I got banned from the site because of that. Do you think they are truthful? the main task of these small plates (beside a role in our sexuality) is simply the regulation of our body temperature and if we sit in natural or artificial sunlight, these plates become more bloodfilled and the vessels become wider and the sun is able to heat up our reptilioid blood (which circulates through the body and through the plates) for most popular video downloads: BL Lacerta @ Mountain View (David Anderson, Hubert Pralitz, Adam Eason, Jonathan Anderson, Shelby Stanley, Tawanda Chabikwa) . Menu. The Lacerta File I . Alien disclosure of a super advanced intelligence is part of the Alien agenda that may come in three phases. . Get 50% off the first 4 months of Hosting when you add it to your Lacerte plan. Audio Transcription Written Transcription Summary: Interview with a member of the reptilian race, who is studying humans. part of your telescope (preferably isolated against outside air), to pick up Temp. I don't believe in the validity of this Lacerta file, but to say that speculation on the existance of an Alien Race is based on Wild fantasies & delusions is beyond ignorant. I find the dialogue captivating and even if its fake its quite well written and intriguing. Our view of good and evil are generalizations. Alpha Lacertae is a blue-white hued main-sequence star of magnitude 3.8, 102 light-years from Earth. File:Lacerta_constellation_map.png licensed with Cc-by-sa-3.-migrated, GFDL 2004-12-12T18:13:07Z Alfio 1789x2559 (298918 Bytes) . It's just plain Stupid. Tissue samples were preserved in 96% ethanol and stored in a freezer at 20 for long-term maintenance. What is your opinion on the lacerta files. 2.6K Likes, 83 Comments. Start of part two. here is the link The Lacerta Files. The source of its ionisation is the intense ultraviolet radiation from the star 10 Lacertae, a blue main sequence star. Sequoyah Kennedy and Willow Truman. April 13, 2022. Connect the same software to the cloud with enterprise-level security, minimal IT work, and easy updates. Enter a letter of co-tenant in the field labeled Letter of co-tenant to carry information to Part 2 of Schedule E. Note: The co-tenant information must be entered in Screen 14, Schedule E - Jointly Owned Property. In the early 1970s, my parents lived in a very remote area in Northern California. Use this code to embed the file . The Lacerta files or archives, are two interviews with a young female from the earth 's inner civilization. THE LECERTA FILE.